Off shores Driving Tuition
Off shores Driving Tuition
Relax and Learn in St. Ives Cornwall

Many Thanks To Splashography for the permission to use the images of me surfing,
please visit their site www.splashography.com
Many thanks to Martin Yelland not only for making "Postcodes" a Cornish Bodyboarding film featuring local riders. But also for allowing me to use some of his amazing work on my website. Please take the time to check out his website http://www.myellandimagery.co.uk/ .
Thanks to Jacob Cockle for his amazing photography work. R.I.P. Brother
If you have any questions regarding learning to drive, the theory or practical test please give us a call. There is no obligation to book anything and I would be more than happy to try and help with any issues surrounding learning to drive, any of our courses or simply just to clarify anything that is not covered in our website.
Contact Us
Contact Us
Please fill out the form below to be added to our customer list.
Or Call us
Mobile: 07890665542
Or we are available on Facebook search "Off Shores Driving Tuition"
For the fastest possible response please either call or fill in the form bellow.
All pupils from January 2015 will need to provide a Licence summary, this is the digital
replacement to the licence counter part. This information can be found by following
this link https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence . Once a code has been generated it is valid for 21 days.